Sunday, May 22, 2011

Up To Week Of May 15

     Last Sunday, my friends Adrienne and Rachel from Alabama came in and we went and picked them up from the airport in Accra. Rachel's bag was missing but they told her it would arrive in 24 hours so we should stay in Accra somewhere. They had the Wondrous idea of going to Kokrobite (mine and Paul's beach) and it was Such a nice surprise to be able to have a little getaway from Hohoe and just relax. We went back in the morning to the airport and miracle of miracles, Rachel's bag was there so we were back in Hohoe by Monday night. That is the reason though too for my absence in writing last Sunday about the previous week but it was Well worth it :)
     Basically though, Paul and I now spend as much time as we can in the mornings and then I'm off to the orphanage which has been So fun! The kids are just endless amounts of energy and laughs and time really flies when I am there. There are 6 new little ones there too and another 8 year old just came last week making about 50 kids, so there is definitely never a dull moment. Rachel and Adrienne's community/church actually funds the whole running of the orphanage and they have been coming for years to Ghana to visit, and LOVE the kids too, so it is So nice that we can go together. Also, our friend Beth who volunteered at Eugemot last year came in on Wednesday too so we are just all having a blast. It is unexplainably wonderful to have friends here haha and Paul has been really great about just letting us have our "girls girls" talks, as he calls it.
    The only bummer this last week was that I was sick for a couple days again this week with a "runny stomach" which was the worst it has ever been so I finally used my Siparo medicine that I have been saving up for when it's really bad. It stopped it up though and I am now back to good health except for a cold haha which I always find odd to get here in the Blazing heat of Africa. Paul has been the perfect caretaker as always and actually went out this morning at 5:30 to get me some Milo because he insisted it was the only thing that would help my throat, he's the best. It's crazy to think that I've been away from home for almost 5 months, but there is No where else in the world that I'd rather be than here with Paul.


  1. So you and Paul own a beach now huh??? Ha ha jk, I'm glad you are feeling better! And love and miss you both dearly! Yes I miss Paul... I don't know him, but I miss him! Ha ha ohhh africaaaaaa!!

  2. I miss you too! I am glad your feeling better!

  3. I was going to ask you the same thing Ky did haha glad you are feeling better. It was so fun talking to you the other day. I love and miss you!

  4. Love and Miss all 3 of you SO much!
